Hello, young Padawan     There are desserts that we like to have everything we need in our cupboards so we can make them on the go whenever we need them. Today, we will make a very traditional pie that is simple and easy to make, just to celebrate the upcoming holidays or those in a hurry among us.   The recipe…

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          Hello, young Padawan     Since the weather has decided to return to grayness, I say that it is appropriate to make a little dessert (or a snack) that is quick, delicious, and will seduce young and old folks.   Winter invites you to rest, introspect, and share time in small, peaceful groups. So, let’s accept this seasonal invitation and go for the simplest dessert:…

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              Hello, young Padawan     Today, we are returning to the kitchen to make one of the oldest recipes of all time, or almost, lol. Well, it’s about the late 19th century; it’s not bad after all!   We will use the Tatin Delight set from Emile Henry, but if you have a classic baking tin, it will do the job just as…

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              Hello, young Padawan     I have received several requests for apple cake recipes here and on Instagram, so you will have not one but two recipes, one today and another very soon, just because I love apples, too.   Raw, cooked, in fruit salad, in cubes, finely grated, in julienne, in compote, or in gourmet desserts, everything suits the apple; apples are…

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                Hello, young Padawan     There is a fruit that I really like that some people buy thinking – wrongly and they will only see it when they open it at home – that it is a lime. A little more tangy than its cousin, the clementine, this is the green mandarin, also called Satsuma mandarin. Every year, in autumn, I buy…

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