Hello, young Padawan     If you’re one of the padawans who has yet to wear shorts or skirts, or put aside the puffy jacket or umbrella, know you’re not alone. You should even know that I have started making soups again here in the last 15 days. Yes, I did.       Afterward, I’m not going to lie to you. I like the…

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              Hello, young Padawan     While waiting for basil season (in summer, if you’re wondering, ed), we will make this pesto with your faithful servant’s favorite spring ingredient, which is, obviously, wild garlic! 😁   Yes, but know that the season is short and that wild garlic has so many health benefits that it would still be a shame to deprive yourself of…

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          Hello, young Padawan     Good news: wild garlic season has returned! Whether you have planted some in your garden, lucky you, whether you go looking for some in the local forests, or whether you have found some at your organic store or local farmer’s market, all means are suitable to succumb to the sweetness of this sexy plant, with a subtle taste and numerous…

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                Hello, young Padawan     Because curry is good with everything, even with soups, it’s time to make a little spicy soup on this blog, which everybody will love, even the youngest, because it’s not dirty spicy and only takes a few minutes of preparation.   Curry is, in essence, a warming spice; that is to say, it is a treasure that…

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          Hello, young Padawan     Here we are at the end of this holiday season, where the alcohol vapors have gone away, but not the migraine, which has set in.   But don’t panic because this year, we are starting with a new idea for an anti-hangover recipe, namely healthy for the liver and the digestive sphere in general, and ready in less time than…

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