Hello, young Padawan     Today, it’s time for an easy recipe. Simply place all the ingredients in a dish, let it cook, and then savor the delicious result.   We will also shed light on a frequently overlooked herb, rosemary, which possesses both medicinal and aromatic qualities, as potent as they are subtle. I encourage you to click here to discover its essential benefits…

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          Hello, jeune Padawan     The weather is a little better, but it could be better. The seasonal vegetables have arrived, so we might as well take advantage of them.”Vegetable tian,” a famous recipe from the south of France, is a bit like everyone’s recipe, even if there is some consensus.   So we will make this typical Provençal dish in my own way because if you…

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            Hello, young Padawan     Today, we’ll make a seasonal puree with early carrots. Yes, they are already there and promise us a nice meal to enjoy. A simple recipe, but with a few spices that will make all the difference, so here we go!                 Spring puree, Chill style. For 3-4 servings   A nice bunch…

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                Hello, young Padawan     Because curry is good with everything, even with soups, it’s time to make a little spicy soup on this blog, which everybody will love, even the youngest, because it’s not dirty spicy and only takes a few minutes of preparation.   Curry is, in essence, a warming spice; that is to say, it is a treasure that…

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                Hello, young Padawan     It was known before the French Revolution and is back in fashion today.   Indeed, today’s recipe were presented for the first time on July 12, 1788, on the occasion of a dinner offered to the municipal officers of Gap, a French town in Dauphiné.   As you probably guessed, today we will make a dauphinois gratin,…

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